Apply To Be Listed On Artwalk

Please use this form to enter all your details for the next Artwalk on Wed 26th Mar 2025.

You should make sure you've got all your information together. Once you've submitted it then we'll do a quick review and we'll be in touch if there are any questions.

If you are booking a different Artwalk date other than 26 Mar, please wait until submissions are open.

Your contact details

Important stuff first, we need to know how we can get in touch with you. If you provide your email address then we can keep you up to date and let you know when your listing has been approved, or if we need more information.

Venue Details

Please select which venue you're exhibiting at, and (if applicable) the area your exhibition or event is taking place, such as studio number, room name, etc.). If your venue isn't in this list, please contact us first.

You should only submit your details once you have a confirmed venue.

Listing Details

Here's where you tell us all about your listing! Some information is optional, but it's all recommended. We may re-word it or adjust it a little in some cases so don't worry too much about getting it perfect.

If there are any live performances then please tell us what time they're taking place, and if there are any restrictions regarding age, suitability, photosensitivity, etc.

If you don't have a specific event or exhibition title, please use the artist name and leave the 'Name' field blank.

Promo Image

If you have a promo image or a flyer, you can upload it here. Don't worry if you haven't, but we do use them to illustrate the schedule and sometimes on social media posts (and you can always send us it later). Please keep images family-friendly.

Files should be JPG, up to 2MB maximum filesize. Landscape and portrait are supported, but square images work best.

Responsibility Agreement

Finally, we please ask that you stick to our Responsible Artist principles, namely:

  • Consult first with your venue prior to hanging/displaying artwork, leave the venue as you've found it, and ensure take care not to damage the venue's own fixtures and fittings.
  • To promote your own event/exhibit as part of Artwalk.
  • Not engage or otherwise in activity or behaviour which is threatening or discriminatory on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, class, disability, religion, beliefs, gender identity, gender expression, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, race, age, accent or culture, and that your listing text and images are in compliance with the Online Safety Act 2023.

All done? Hooray!

Once you submit your listing below, it'll go off to be given the once-over and we'll be in touch quickly if there are any questions or issues. If not, then you'll receive an email when the listings are added. The schedule for the next Artwalk usually goes live about 3 weeks beforehand.

Oh, if you could tell us you're not a robot too, that'd be very kind thank you!